Hello…let me take a moment to say, WELCOME! And to ask, hhmm what brings you here?
I don’t want to be one of those annoying pop up ads asking you for your email address so you will subscribe before you even know what you’re getting yourself into! We can get to that later
My name is Miranda and I am doing this blog because a friend told me to! LOL, in part, but truthfully that’s what pushed me to seriously consider it! I am very influenced by the input of those I love and respect. Anyhoo..I like to do a lot of different things all at the same time! So much so, that some would call me a starter and rarely a finisher. I call it front side motivated! Whatever helps me sleep at night, right?
This blog is may seem incredibly random, and that’s exactly what it is! All kinds of crazy things that are going on inside my head on any given moment of the day! And also, I really like exclamation points, if you couldn’t tell that already! And the second side is that though it’s all random, it is ALL filled and colored and tweaked by HOPE! That’s what makes my life seem FILLED! We all strive to be fulfilled, right? I have to say it is not any one “thing” that gives me that sense in my life, it is in fact the HOPE that I have that fills every part of my life, if I let it! WOOT!
Life is random. Life is so many different things, and if I am going to write something that is about me, I figure it should be representative of ALL of me! Or at least many of the facets of what make me, me! So if you are anything like me, and you have so many ideas and aspirations and dreams and past times and hobbies and have been living life, WOOHOO join the club and lets enjoy sharing from our vast experiences. Maybe just maybe we will each walk away better from having known one another!
I love that! Learn from everyone you meet! Be blessed. Be encouraged. Be challenged. Be convicted. Be made better, stronger, happier, a more beautiful you! Now that my friends is the perfect reason for….well blogging, but also LIFE! I believe God gave us life to LIVE IT! Or as My late husband always said…
…Nope we will save that for another time! For now, hang out, read a recipe or two, find a fun craft to do with your kiddos, get fired up from an opinion I stated, or be blessed browsing!
If this sounds like something you want to be a part of more than this once, join us! And share your own life with us!
If not, be blessed and continue forward along the path God has for you!
Either way smile, be happy & celebrate your randomness!!!